API Reference
API URL: https://spicya.sdaotools.xyz/
What is a Tag? A Tag is the notation we use for defining a specific token on Tezos. Most token lists are filtered by tag.
Tezos has two popular standards, FA1.2 and FA2. In this context, the important facts are that FA2s contain a "token_id", FA1.2s do not.
Tags take the form of CONTRACT:TOKEN_ID
, where TOKEN_ID == 'null'
(this is a string!!) if FA1.2
Example FA2 Tag: 'KT19ovJhcsUn4YU8Q5L3BGovKSixfbWcecEA:1'
Example FA1.2 Tag: 'KT1K9gCRgaLRFKTErYt1wVxA3Frb9FjasjTV:null'
This is a summary of the currently available public endpoints for the SpicySwap GraphQL API. Feel free to reach out and request new API endpoints! Also, on request we will grant access to the full /graphql endpoint for deeper querying
/api/rest/SpicyDailyMetricsquery SpicyDailyMetrics { spicy_day_data(order_by: {day: desc}, limit: 60) { dailyvolumextz dailyvolumeusd totalliquidityxtz totalvolumextz totalvolumeusd totalliquidityusd totalstakedfarmxtz totalstakedfarmusd dailylpapr dailyspiapr day txcount }}
/api/rest/PoolDailyMetricsquery PoolDailyMetrics($_ilike: String = "") { pair_day_data(limit: 60, order_by: {day: desc}, where: {pair_id: {_ilike: $_ilike}}) { pair_id reservextz reserveusd dailyvolumextz dailyvolumeusd totalstakedfarmxtz totalstakedfarmusd dailylpapr dailyspiapr day }}
/api/rest/TokenDailyMetricsquery TokenDailyMetrics($_ilike: String = "") { token_day_data(limit: 60, order_by: {day: desc}, where: {tag: {_ilike: $_ilike}}) { day tag dailyvolumextz dailyvolumeusd totalliquidityxtz totalliquidityusd derivedxtz_high derivedxtz_low derivedxtz_open derivedxtz_close derivedusd_high derivedusd_low derivedusd_open derivedusd_close } token_hour_data(limit: 168, order_by: {hour: desc}, where: {tag: {_ilike: $_ilike}}) { hour tag hourlyvolumetoken hourlyvolumextz hourlyvolumeusd derivedxtz derivedxtz_high derivedxtz_low derivedxtz_open derivedxtz_close derivedusd derivedusd_high derivedusd_low derivedusd_open derivedusd_close }}
/api/rest/PoolListAllquery PoolListAll ($hour_agg_start: Int = 0, $day_agg_start: Int = 0) { pair_info(order_by: {reservextz: desc}) { pair_id reserve0 reserve1 reservextz reserveusd token0 token0price token1 token1price txcount volumetoken0 volumetoken1 totalstakedfarmxtz totalstakedfarmusd contract pairHourData_aggregate(limit: 24, order_by: {hour_ts: desc}, where: {hour_ts: {_gte: $hour_agg_start}}) { aggregate { sum { hourlyvolumextz } } aggregate { sum { hourlyvolumeusd } } } pairDayData_aggregate(limit: 7, order_by: {day_ts: desc}, where: {day_ts: {_gte: $day_agg_start}}) { aggregate { sum { dailyvolumextz } } aggregate { sum { dailyvolumeusd } } } token_a { derivedxtz derivedusd } token_b { derivedxtz derivedusd } }}
/api/rest/TokenListquery TokenList($_ilike: String = "%%", $day_agg_start: Int = 0) { tokens(limit: 100, order_by: {totalliquidityxtz: desc}, where: {tag: {_ilike: $_ilike}}) { name symbol decimals img tag derivedxtz totalliquidityxtz derivedusd totalliquidityusd tokenDayData_aggregate(limit: 7, order_by: {day_ts: desc}, where: {day_ts: {_gte: $day_agg_start}}) { aggregate { sum { dailyvolumextz } } aggregate { sum { dailyvolumeusd } } } tokenDayData(limit: 1, offset: 2, order_by: {day_ts: desc}) { last_price: derivedxtz last_price_usd: derivedusd } }}
/api/rest/TransactionListquery TransactionList($_ilike: String = "%%") { actions(order_by: {finish: desc}, where: {user: {_ilike: $_ilike}}) { token_in token_in_amount token_out token_out_amount finish pair_id contract user type }}